Hometown: Lake Placid, NY
Pronouns: He/Him
Favorite food: Bagel with cream cheese
How long have you been running:I have been running since sophomore year of high school.
Why SLU? : I chose St. Lawrence because it is close-ish to home and felt like the right fit, also Dana.
Favorite team memory: My favorite team memory is the Nationals trip.
Favorite SLU memory: My favorite St. Lawrence memory is probably all the Dana sits with the team.
Favorite part about being an athlete: My favorite part of being a collegiate athlete is the teammates and the friendships that have come with that.
Least favorite part about being an athlete: My least favorite part of being a collegiate athlete is for sure the amount of time it takes up, and all the traveling to races.
How has the season gone so far? : The season has been solid so far for me personally, the real important races are coming up soon.
Goals for the season: My goals for the season is to qualify for nationals in Michigan hopefully as a team.
Favorite runner: Favorite pro runner is 100% Asbel Kiprop
Favorite running route: Favorite running route is a 10 mile loop we call Jingleville
Fun Fact: I have never been to New York City.