Photo via edmodo spotlight
You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression “too big to fail” in reference to a number of things in this country, business in particular. I’d first like to mention that the Titanic was huge, a genuinely grand affair, and it smacked one ice-berg and sank to the bottom of the ocean. The Roman Empire was huge, but are we still running around wearing togas and speaking Latin? Not sober we aren’t. So let’s apply this to the U.S., a truly huge country. Are we too big to fail? No, we most certainly are not, and in a manner of speaking we already have. You need only ask a foreigner with socialized healthcare, free tuition and a naïve idea that they can see the Golden Gate Bridge and the Statue of Liberty in the same day’s drive, this country is the only country of its size with such a dense population throughout. We are not all one people no matter how much we want to say we are. A young black woman from the coast of Maine has almost nothing in common with a middle-aged white man from Alabama.
The unfortunate part about the United States is that capitalism is seen as one of the only “effective” ways to run a country as large as ours. The large industries which have a stranglehold on our government can’t see the tragedy and hardship they cause to lower classes of all different sorts all across this country with their greed. The even more unfortunate part is that even if they could, they couldn’t possibly conceptualize it and as such wouldn’t be likely to care. So why are we all one country if we can’t even agree on whether or not everyone is equal? Why are we all one country if we can’t agree to implement a system that can take care of the majority of people? In this writer’s opinion we shouldn’t be.
Perhaps we should have let the south secede all those years ago, they were different people then and still are now just as people on the west coast are hardly comparable to those on the east coast or those in the Midwest. Our interests have become more and more divided with the passing of the years until now where these interests have become almost irreconcilable. There are always going to be differences of opinion in every region, but imagine if we could reestablish the states into autonomous regions of similar thought where the differences weren’t so vast. In such a case the south and Midwest could remain industrialized and we in the Northeast could trade with them without having to try and run a government with people who represent the interests of KKK members and cops who kill people of color in cold blood. We could choose to not support these regions if we wanted as well, everyone could be more easily represented in elections, and if the proper system was put in place we could hopefully even keep from warring with each other. Imagine if we could have parts of America that truly believe in equality and caring for people, and could act on those beliefs unopposed. Sounds great right? Let’s start the revolution.