Dear reader,
In the fall of 2020, I picked up a copy of The Hill News and stumbled upon an article by Chloe McConnell ’21 titled “Over the Hedge: False Gods and Hell Disguised as Paradise.” This article was my first exposure to The Hill News in any capacity, and it got me hooked on our student-run newspaper.
Every Friday after, I picked up a copy and looked for hidden gems of campus life amid the global pandemic that overwhelmed my first-year experience at St. Lawrence. I could corroborate my economic project partner’s story of getting his window broken by seeing it in the security blotter and learn whether each Bachelor/Bachelorette— now just “Bachelorex” — preferred The Ticker or Java. At the time, I did not even know what either place was. Now, as Editor-in-Chief, I am honored to introduce the first issue of volume CXIII of The Hill News and welcome students to the campus I call home.
Since 1911, The Hill News has been St. Lawrence University’s primary form of student news on campus. Students can find The Hill News content digitally and in print most Fridays throughout the school year. Our mission is to bring a voice to the St. Lawrence student body and provide informative and thought-provoking content on issues related to the St. Lawrence campus, the surrounding community and the wider world. As a student publication, we seek to include diverse viewpoints on a range of topics relevant to the student body, such as how the hit 2006 movie “Over the Hedge” warns of false gods.
The current editorial board has a fantastic mix of new and old faces, with each person passionate and eager to inform the St. Lawrence campus community. This school year, my goal is to bring back some old campus traditions and introduce some new ones. The Hill News is not just about news and events — it is about connections, conversations and community. With over a century of content, many treasures are buried throughout The Hill News archives that I cannot wait to share with you.
With great enthusiasm, the editorial board welcomes you back to campus and invites you to keep in touch with us throughout the school year. This publication is not meant to be another line on the resume of the editorial board — this paper is meant for you. Pick up a copy of The Hill News each Friday, follow us on Instagram @thehillnews, and make your voice heard. The Hill News is open to all faculty, staff, alumni and community members regardless of experience. Feel free to reach out to me or any other editorial board members with questions, concerns or comments.
We are the people writing this upcoming chapter of St. Lawrence history, hopefully for students 113 years from now to look back on. Thank you for picking up the first issue of the school year, I hope you visit our newsstands again next week.
Gabrielle Aldrich ’24