When considering housing for next semester, joining the theme house community is always an option. Senior Associate Director of Residence Life and Housing Operations, Stacie Olney LaPierre, stated that the themes are a unique opportunity that adds so much to the student experience at St. Lawrence University.
Olney LaPierre further explained that, “the themes bring so many opportunities for students on campus, including students who don’t live in themes.”
Due to the relatively small size of Canton, N.Y., there are limited options for students in regards to social opportunities. However, “themes enrich the student experience at SLU by providing a lot of on campus events,” stated Olney LaPierre. Such events include: granola making at the Greenhouse, all the Outing Club trips, marathon gaming nights at the Hub, open mics at the Annex and all the musicians that Java brings to campus, said LaPierre.
While it may be difficult for students to familiarize themselves with themes that pique their interests, Olney LaPierre explained that Residence Life has “worked a lot with the themes to make them more accessible to all students.”
Ensuring accessibility calls for themes to table in the Student Center, participate in house hopping day and hold events in places other than their homes. “We also encourage students in themes to diversify class years and to reach beyond just a specific friend group,” said Olney LaPierre.
Olney LaPierre also shared that past surveys of sophomore housing satisfaction often show a higher level of satisfaction among students living in themes than those who live in general housing.
Furthermore, “If students are still looking for a place on campus, they will often find it in a theme,” she stated.
Landon Urzetta ’22, who lives in the LightHouse, said some perks to living in themes include the communal living space, such as a kitchen and common room. “You also get really close with everyone in the house and have opportunities to meet other people in other themes that you wouldn’t have while living in a dorm,” said Urzetta.
Depending on how many people from each theme are graduating, returning from abroad or going abroad, the application process may be competitive, said Olney LaPierre.
However, Java resident Aubrey Burns ’22 advised not to stress out when applying. “You will end up where you are meant to be,” she stated. “If it’s in the house you really want to live in, that’s great, but if it’s in a dorm with your best friend, that’s also really great.”
In regards to filling out theme applications and participating in interviews, “go with the first answer or thought that comes to mind and, most importantly, be yourself,” stated Outing Club Resident Sophie Robie ’22. Application are due March 1.