I wrote myself a letter. May it resonate:
Do not allow yourself to be misnamed or misplaced,especially not into boxes that fit their understanding of who you are. The walls aren’t brick. They are cotton candy weak at the wetness of your tongue.
Your dimensions know no bounds. You are the battlefield and the battle fought atop it. The rainbow following the inconsolable storm raging within.
Love is a necessary life companion. You will find it everywhere and you must embrace it everywhere. You will love while in love and crave even more love. Your love will be questioned, taken away, and may even cripple you. But it remains resolute. Take pride in that.
You’ve known it for a long time, but now it is clear. And because it is clear, you are in a position to combat it. It tried to take you, and you were revived by love. Tell it to its face as often as you can: Depression, you will not win!
You are a soft, supple thing.
Your biggest strength is your passion for humanity. Your biggest weakness is your passion for humanity.
You will face storms in the middle of winter. Rotations will eclipse your glow. Nighttime will enclose you in the middle of the day, and sharks will come for you on land. On those days, surrender. But only to God.
Never fold to fear.
Some days, you are the shadow you fear in the night. Other days you are the light that dissipates it. Strive always to be the light.
Everything in moderation except the dreams you coddle at night.
And love.
Have those in abundance.
Be love,