With theme house application and interview season quickly approaching, I wanted to take a moment to consider the profound impact living at 3 University has made on me.
In the fall of 2021, I moved into The Dub.
Coming off of a year away from St. Lawrence, I had experienced life at SLU and was accustomed to theme culture from an outsider’s perspective, but I was nervous for what was to come.
I was worried about bonding with my new housemates, about saying the right thing, and playing the part of ‘Dubber’ in the same way those who had come before me did.
I joined the house knowing little about what was in store for me, but was determined to take advantage of the house’s biggest asset– our porch swing. Little did I know, The Dub porch swing would become a safe space for me to live, learn and grow, washing away these prior insecurities.
Having moved in now a full year ago, as I watch the Autumn leaves fall from the view on our porch, I am reminded of how this community has allowed me to flourish. Each night as I walk home, I try to take in the view of our little blue house. I am oftentimes caught off guard its beauty.
Peeking through the colorful trees of the Enchanted Forest, I see it softly glowing from the inside and I am warmed by the thought of throwing open our heavy wooden door and yelling “who’s home?” I am reminded of the immense joy that my housemates bring me and the support they give me in hard moments.
I would like to go back and tell my past self who was too worried to sit outside on the porch with my new housemates and to spend more time being present.
I feel grateful to have learned so many amazing lessons and to have fostered such special friendships.
It is these same friends that have given me the support to truly be myself— to pursue my own passions and to stand up for what I believe in.
Thank you to each and every Dubber I have lived with—without your support I would not be who I am today. Now in my third semester living in the house, autumn is a season of nostalgia for me. As I make the walk through the Enchanted Forest, leaves crinkling at my feet,
I am reminded of the person I was when I joined this house and reflect on the person I am today.
Too scared to take a seat on the porch-swing, I was timid and shy. I have know grown into myself, supported by a wonderful community and working on issues I truly care about. My biggest piece of advice to anyone thinking about applying to live in a theme house would be to take the leap- take the seat on the porch. You never know what opportunities it will bring to you.