The Class of 2022 Council is continuing online fundraisers this semester. The organization is raising money for senior week through a virtual store, which they also created in the fall.
It also important that all students, even those who are remote, are able to purchase the new merchandise. The online store is also a safer option due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it gives parents and alumni the option to purchase the merchandise.
The store is only open for two weeks. It closes March 3.
Class Council Treasurer Elisa Sergi ’22 is looking forward to the second installment of the online store. “With senior year approaching, we were worried about how we could effectively fundraise during the pandemic. Luckily, we were able to put this store together last semester with a few pieces, and it was a success,” she says. “We are so excited to bring it back with more options, so we hope everyone goes to check it out!”
With limited options for fundraising due to social distancing rules, the council is hopeful about opening the online store two times. “We are close to our senior year goal from a financial standpoint,” Sergi says.
In the fall, the class council was able to raise more than 1000 dollars.
This semester, the store includes crewneck sweatshirts and long sleeves with a design of the St. Lawrence skyline at sunset. It was created by class council member Frances Hubbard ’22, who wanted something that people would recognize. “The chapel skyline really stood out to me because I felt like anyone connected to SLU has seen the gorgeous North Country sunset with that view. I actually had a picture from last fall with the sunset in the colors we used in the design, so I worked off that to create the piece you can see today.”
Also available are masks, mugs, water bottles and baseball hats with the same skyline drawing.
Hubbard was very happy with the results from the online store this fall. “When we started brainstorming for spring semester, opening the store again seemed like a great idea,” she says.
“It is so important for us to raise money this year because we’re really committed to putting on the best senior week possible. The more money we raise, through ventures like the store, goes a long way towards activities and special perks for senior week.”
The class council had fun creating the products together. “We’re really excited for people to get their hands on them,” Hubbard said.
She also encourages other members of the class of 2022 to get involved. “We know it’s important to the class, so we’re working as hard as we can to make everything happen and make it great,” she explained. “Please support us if you can, and if you have any other fundraising ideas we’d love to have you join us to implement them!”
The Class of 2022 Council meets Wednesdays at 7 via Zoom. Any member of the class is welcome to attend.