The Outing Club’s 39th Peak Weekend
6 am rain pounded on the windshield on the two-hour drive to the trailhead. I made sure to set low expectations to the group given that weather could make it too unsafe to summit and complete the 16-mile loop ahead. As we passed through Lake Placid, the sky opened up and by our 8:30 start time, we could see a sliver of blue sky. Getting off campus after a week of hustling around felt amazing and we all laughed and joked for the first few hours. The Nippletop & Dial Mountain loop is comprised of 4,500 feet in elevation over multiple short and steep inclines. Adirondack trails sometimes do this quirky and fun thing where they do away with switchbacks and just shoot straight up and down. Personally, this hike was extra special because of the tough conditions. Everyone on the trip opted to go for it despite the weather, so slowly and surely we chugged away and got to push our limits as a group. Meeting strangers for the first time while testing your limits is a very good icebreaker. We get to see people’s true personality when we have no energy to pretend to be anything else.
After 12 hours on the mountain, we piled out of my car limping and sore to grab pizza in Lake Placid. Hunger is the best sauce, so even the subpar ‘Main Street Pizza’ absolutely slapped. I highly recommend getting off campus to be in nature in whatever form suits you best. We are isolated and nestled below the Adirondacks for a reason, so let’s take advantage of them while we can.