Student Q: How do you get through a project you hate?
Procrastination and I were once best friends especially when it came to things I didn’t want to do. I’ve changed my mentality and have decided to “eat the frog” each day. You know the project that gives you a lump in your throat because you don’t want to do it, that’s the first thing I try to tackle each day. From there my day is smooth sailing. Projects always need to get done whether you want to do them or not, they are still going to be there.
– Charnele Luster
You’ve likely already done this. Think about a class you absolutely hated… you made it through that semester, right? Think about what you’ll get out of it. Is it helping you develop a skill you’ll need in the future? Is it connecting you to someone who could be a beneficial contact later? Knowing that you’re growing as a result of the project might help you make the best of something you’d rather not be doing.
– Jessica Sierk
Every job has some aspect that you are not going to like doing. Usually, I sit and focus on what I have to do, do the best I can, and turn it in so I can move onto the next project. I think it’s important to acknowledge that you’re not always going to be totally happy with the tasks you are assigned, but if they are essential to your success and the success of others, you just need to do it and move on.
-Maverick Cummings
Step 1: determine if the project really needs to be done. If it is really necessary that I do the project, I try to identify what I will gain from doing the project. Then I gut it out. Resilience is important, and part of resilience is sticking with something to the end, even if it isn’t super enjoyable. This is a skill I am seeing less and less of in the current generation of college students. If you can cultivate it, you will be more successful than your peers, because eventually, we are all asked to complete a project we find boring or don’t enjoy.
-Jessica Prody
I tend to take care of lots of little projects before starting that one that I know is going to drive me nuts (a bit of procrastination); once I get going on it, I try to push through until complete telling myself it will be such a relief to be done!
– Elaine White