Join Meatless Mondays!
Meat consumption, and red-meat in particular, is the largest contributor to your ecological footprint. Each year, global livestock emits an average of 7.1 gigatonnes of CO2, and beef production makes up 65 percent of that livestock. Going meat free, even just one day a week, will drastically lower the carbon emissions we put into our atmosphere.
The Stats:
– Skipping meat and cheese one day a week would be the equivalent of taking your car off the road for five weeks.
– Eating steak once a week would be the equivalent of taking your car off the road for five months.
– Finally, if every person in America did not eat meat or cheese, just one day a week, it would be like taking 7.2 million cars off the road!
So get going and join the meatless Mondays movement! Also, check out SLU’s Green Pages online to see the sustainable changes our campus is working towards!