The 100th Night Celebration
Dear Senior Class,
As we approach our graduation, it is only fitting that we take a moment to celebrate the incredible journey we have been on together. In just a week it will be 100 days until graduation, we will be walking across that stage to receive our diploma, and with that, we will officially be College Alumni.
I wanted to remind you of an exciting tradition that the senior class has here at St. Lawrence called 100th Night! This is a time to come together as a class, to reflect on our time at St. Lawrence, and to celebrate the memories and milestones we’ve achieved together.
100th night is coming up next Tuesday, Feb. 7th! We are going to meet in the Gulick theatre at 7:30 for senior speeches and a slideshow!! Those who wish and are 21+ are welcome to head to the hoot afterward to celebrate 100 nights until graduation. With that, I would like to remind you all that there is no food or drinks allowed in the theater so make sure you plan accordingly. Staff will be checking at the door.
Student Council will be selling Tuesday blues shirts in the student center from Wednesday, Feb. 1st until Tuesday, Feb. 7th from 11-2 to raise money for the senior week so make sure to pick one up!
We cannot wait to see you all there!
-Class Council