Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Browsing Category


Happy Daze: Exercise as Restorative Therapy

Whether it’s getting into an argument with someone, getting a bad grade on the assignment you worked so hard on, breaking your new phone screen, or anything else that makes you upset, coping is an important strategy to minimize stress

Honoring Survivors: The First Touch

The First touch, El Primer Toque, اللّمسة الأولى, первое прикосновение, Den Første Berøring documents the different ways in which survivors of sexual assault and/or rape have had their privacy violated. When asked “Where did they first

The Science of Loneliness

Since the beginning of quarantine, people all over the world have been longing for companionship more than ever. FaceTime and phone calls may help, but the physical presence of other humans allows us to feel a sense of ease. It reassures

Tarot Reading for the Zodiacs

Scorpio 3 of Cups: Spend time with your pals this week! You may even meet new friends :) Sagittarius Wheel of Fortune: You guys are either going to have a phenomenal week or reaping what you sow muhahahah Capricorn

Happy Daze: Genetic Procrastination

Now that we’re more than halfway through this semester, everyone is starting to get tired of the constant, schoolwork grind. This online semester also has been helpful with my procrastination skills, as I’ve gotten very good at it – so

Boot N’ Paddle: Cold Dogs, Warm Hearts

A few fellow freshmen and I watched with bated breath as the sled was pushed across a small river, fully loaded with a grill, charcoal, and hot dogs. It floated, maintaining a center of balance for a few seconds, before teetering over in
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