Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and/or defeated? Need to dance it out? Well, you’re locally grown Java beans are back in action and we’re excited to spread some #javalove to you all.
I’ll be honest, my housemates and I have experienced a bit of an identity crisis this semester. No Thursday shows with smeared glitter on our faces accompanied by some funky dancing pants. And, believe it or not, no carrot sticks or cookies. You also may have heard some rumors after our smackdown with the Hub. And I’m here to confirm that yes, Java has in fact become the new gamer house. I find this new identity particularly problematic since I strongly dislike games, but that’s neither here nor there…
Most musicians and venues have been hit hard during the pandemic, and our humble garage has not been spared. But alas, we found some remnants of our former selves last Thursday at the first open mic of the semester. Our Java lovin’ is taking on some different forms this year, due to Covid-19 regulations, in efforts to keep our community safe. Such regulations include: wearing a mask, staying outside of the venue, no communal snacks and social distancing.
“We had a really good show and everyone respected the rules,” says Henry Piedra ’23. “They were socially distancing, wearing masks and came out to have a good time.” Another key regulation to keep in mind is that we can not exceed over 50 people at one time, so for future events make sure to visit our Instagram page, @javabarnmusic, to reserve a spot! I know we’re all used to crowded Java shows with hundreds of people, but don’t worry we’ll have at least two half hour slots for people to sign up for.
“There were some obvious differences from other open mic performances I’ve done in the past, but it was pretty obvious from the energy around the venue that people were really happy to be back at Java,” says Zach Effman ’22. “I don’t think the differences took away from everyone’s excitement,” he further states. Due to the success of our first open mic we hope have more events in the future, so keep an eye out for Instagram posts and some emails.
Also, another shameless plug, applications to live in Java are due Nov. 10. If you’re not a first year (sorry, can’t apply until sophomore year!), love to thrash, love glitter and even love Smash, then this is the house for you. We are humble beans, with humble means and would love to meet you. Sending you all some Java!