Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
Established in 1911 at St. Lawrence University
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Boot N’ Paddle: The First Chair

In a world dominated by easily-accessible pleasure, finding the motivation to do something that even requires a modicum of effort can be difficult. Instagram and Snapchat send you pictures of your friends and celebrities while

Introducing the Self Care Club

On a college campus, where stress levels are high and sleep levels are low, self care can be of the utmost importance. When people think of self care, they often think of face masks, ice-cream and Netflix. The reality is that self care

Notes from Abroad: Czech Republic

In Fall 2018, I studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. This program is a partner program with CIEE which opens up so many opportunities for students. I was in classes with not only American student but also Czech students and

Ping Pong Club Serves New Experience

On the first floor of the student center just beyond the mail center, you can often find St. Lawrence students partaking in a casual game of table tennis. The back-and-forth volley of celluloid ball against wooden paddle echoes in the

Boot N’ Paddle: Conservative Planning

Hey there, Booters, and welcome back to another semester of SLU! Of course, some of the best things about coming back spring semester are the opportunities for winter recreation, be that skiing, snowshoeing, ice-climbing, or just straight

News from Abroad: Spain Dispatch

As the semester begins, each of us starts anew. Some of us are getting settled in theme or greek houses, others in new dorms, while some enter a new mental situation living in the same dirty room in Dean. The classes we are taking
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